Mentor Scheduling Tool

This Mentor Scheduling Tool was the final (team) project in the She Codes Plus program, consolidating our learnings into a complete solution for an assigned client (She Codes Administrators).

The mission was to create a comprehensive cloud-based tool enabling administrators to: schedule She Codes events, identify the required number of event mentors, allocate suitably skilled mentors & monitor their onboarding process.

The deployed software achieved all these goals while empowering administrators to streamline their workflow, reduce manual processing and provide a convenient snapshot of every She Codes scheduled event and mentor.

Back-End    Front-End

Front-End Demo

HTML • CSS • ReactJS • JavaScript

Live Repo

Back-End Demo

Python • DRF • DBML

Live Repo

Guided User Tutorial

The Process


The project commenced with a client meeting, enabling the team to identify the project scope, essential features and stretch items for consideration.

We utilised agile processes and figma to consolidate brainstorming, concepts and user-flow understanding.

Essential vs Stretch

Features were "fleshed-out" and prioritised, creating a clear MVP goal for front and back-end development. This information was fed into the API Specification and Database Schemas. Note: only showing page 1 of 4.

Database Schema
(Lucid Charts)

As the primary back-end / database engineer for the project, I utilised digital tools to create the required Entity Relationship Diagrams. This enabled clear communication to the front-end team of the database schemas.

Initially a complex and comprehensive database schema was developed to include tables and models for every current and future feature. After reviewing this against the team's capacity, the schema was simplified as an MVP product.

The schema here were created with Lucid Charts, which provided excellent customisation ability for clear communication.

Database Schema

Once simplified, the database schema was then quickly re-created in DBDiagram using Database Markup Language (DBML). Once complete, the ERD was exported as SQL and converted to models within Django REST Framework. This was a huge efficiency gain in the database development.


Miro was utilised within the front-end team to create a collaborative environment for website design. This was helpful to enable all team members to review design ideas and check for accessibility adherence.

Agile Methodologies

Our team incorporated Agile Processed to keep us on track. We incorporated a Team Kick Off, Sprints, Retrospectives, Stand-Ups and a Trello board to manage tasks.

Let's Connect!

Looking for a developer who's project-driven, loves to learn and gets excited by complex database schemas, but oozes enthusiasm and passion? Let's catch up over coffee, whisky or a game of pinball, and see how my unique skills will add value to your team!

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