Weather Data Processing

The goal of this project was to process and convert csv files into meaningful text-based summaries using Python. Using Object Oriented Programming I developed nine user defined functions to complete this task. Each function's output also passed the associated unit tests.


The Process

Starter Code

Nine empty functions were provided with a docstring describing the required program to be developed.

Unit Tests

A unit test for each function was provided, to enable efficient and comprehensive testing for our program.

Expected Output

Expected output text summaries were provided, to assist in shaping the return statement for each function.

Kristy's Playground

I created a code "playground" for each function, to provide an isolated environment to test and refactor each function. Click the image to view the function playgrounds on GitHub.

Confirmed Functions

Once functions passed the associated tests within the function playground, the code was transferred to the main program. Click the image to view the final file.

Shell Output

Each function was run within the program to confirm alignment with expected output.

Function Testing

Finally, the program and all nine functions were tested using the program. Click the image to view the script.

Let's Connect!

Looking for a developer who's project-driven, loves to learn and gets excited by complex database schemas, but oozes enthusiasm and passion? Let's catch up over coffee, whisky or a game of pinball, and see how my unique skills will add value to your team!

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