
Communitree is a crowdfunding website and was the final individual project for the She Codes Plus Program. This project was broken into three parts: MVP development, front and back end deployment.

The back-end product was planned and mapped out by strategically creating a prioritised list of features, user-flow diagram, API Specification and database schema. This created the necessary foundations to build a stable back-end with Django Rest Framework and prepare for efficient front-end development.

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Python • DRF


User Features Brainstorm

Primary users were established and a general list of functionality was drafted. This provided a structure for subsequent user-flow planning and drilling down on features.

MVP vs Nice-to-Have

Features were "fleshed-out" and prioritised, creating a clear MVP goal for front and back-end development. This information was fed into the user-flow diagram and database schema.

User Flow Diagram

This User Flow diagram was created in Figma using FigJam and incorporates each MVP feature, model, endpoint and authentication / authorisation details. Click the diagram to see full-size on Figma.

Database Schema

The Database Schema was originally developed with basic fields included. Throughout the project, the schema expanded to include more features, resulting in a comprehensive database rich with functionality.

API Specifications

API Specification list was initially prepared with base functionality and endpoints. As the project progressed, additional features and endpoints were included in the specification. Note: only showing page 1 of 2.

Let's Connect!

Looking for a developer who's project-driven, loves to learn and gets excited by complex database schemas, but oozes enthusiasm and passion? Let's catch up over coffee, whisky or a game of pinball, and see how my unique skills will add value to your team!

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