
Communitree is a crowdfunding website and was the final individual project for the She Codes Plus Program. This project was broken into three parts: MVP development, front and back end deployment.

The client-facing app was a result of significant MVP planning, including: conceptual brainstorming, market research, user-flow discovery, mood board development, feature viability assessments and preparing for API Requests to the DRF back-end.

Once the initial preparation was complete and back-end database was constructed, focus shifted to the front-end design and build, which was aided by the extensive planning and stable deployed back-end.

Live    Repo     Back-End


HTML • CSS • JavaScript • ReactJS


Project Brainstorm

We were tasked with the challenge of creating a crowdfunding app with focus on a new cause. I am passionate about my town's urban canopy and surrounding suburbs do not have the same green-coverage. As a result, I decided my project would aid local governments increase their urban canopy.


To understand viability and regulation restrictions with this project, I reached out to multiple local councils and explored many urban forest online resources.

Names Brainstorm

A selection of names that were considered for the project. Tree-Huggers were my second choice.

Concept Planning

After brainstorming and researching the Communitree concept, user metrics, design and features were explored and detailed.

Mood Board

This moodboard was developed to provide a style guide for the css elements of the website.

Let's Connect!

Looking for a developer who's project-driven, loves to learn and gets excited by complex database schemas, but oozes enthusiasm and passion? Let's catch up over coffee, whisky or a game of pinball, and see how my unique skills will add value to your team!

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