
Explore the projects I have completed throughout my She Codes Plus journey

HTML CSS Project

Portfolio Website: Live
She Codes Plus project focussing on the exploration and application of responsive HTML and CSS. Process included wire-framing with Figma, asset sourcing using no-attribute providers, asset design using Canva and hosting using GitHub.

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Python Project

Weather Data Processing: Complete
She Codes Plus project with the goal to process and convert csv files into meaningful text-based summaries. These outputs also needed to pass pre-created Unit Tests.

shecodes icon Github Icon python

Django Project

News Website: Complete
She Codes Plus project utilising Python programming language and Django to create a News Website (blog).

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Django Rest Framework (DRF) Project

Crowdfunding API Project (Back-End): Deployed
She Codes Plus Project utilising Django REST Framework to create the backend of a Crowdfunding app.

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Javascript / ReactJS Project

Crowdfunding App (Front-End): ETA 5 March 2023
She Codes Plus project focussed on developing the front end of the Crowdfunding API Project (Back-End), utilising Javascript and ReactJS. Project commenced February 2023.

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