Hi, my name is Kristy Leigh
I'm a junior software developer, inspired by AI/ML and excited by data engineering.

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I'm an junior software developer, fascinated by AI & Machine Learning, excited by data engineering, and passionate about professional development. As a compliance, audit and documentation nerd, I bring excellent attention to detail and organisational prowess to every project.

I'm adaptable, curious, and eager to dive into new technologies, and I love attending industry events, workshops and training sessions to stay up-to-date.

I'm an experienced Trainer, Senior Administrator and Bookkeeper, and I've also dabbled in Retail Management, Professional Cooking, and Voice-over Acting careers. You can often find me immersed in D&D, swing dancing, or playing pinball.

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Scheduling Tool

This Mentor Scheduling Tool was the final group project for the She Codes Plus Program. Using Agile Methodologies and collaborative tools (Figma, Miro, Trello, Slack, Skype, Google Meetings, GitHub), the team developed a comprehensive final product that successfully communicated with the back-end database. read more...

Scheduling Tool

This back-end solution was the first part of the final (team) project in the She Codes Plus program. Comprehensive database schemas were developed using Lucid Chart and DBDiagram, which were then exported with SQL. These coupled with detailed API Specifications provided a solid foundation to construct the required models. As a result, a stable and feature-rich database was developed for the client-facing Mentor Scheduling Tool. read more...

Crowdfunding App

This crowdfunding website was the final individual project for the She Codes Plus Program. The process to completion included significant MVP planning, conceptual brainstorming, successful API requests to the DRF back-end and translating the project "vision" into reality. read more...

Crowdfunding App

This She Codes Plus project's aim was to create a stable back-end database for a client-facing crowdfunding website. Strategic and MVP planning were critical in this process to ensure successful communication between front and back-end. read more...

Weather Data Processing

The goal of this She Codes Plus project was to process and convert csv files into meaningful text-based summaries. These outputs also needed to pass pre-created Unit Tests. read more...

My Portfolio (v1)

This She Codes Plus project focussed on the exploration and application of responsive web design. read more...

Let's Connect!

Looking for a developer who's project-driven, loves to learn and gets excited by complex database schemas, but oozes enthusiasm and passion? Let's catch up over coffee, whisky or a game of pinball, and see how my unique skills will add value to your team!

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